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Learn to negotiate, mediate, and arbitrate effectively.
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Accelerate your ADR career with this practical online course. In just two months, gain skills that typically take years to develop:
Whether you’re a student, lawyer, or arbitrator, this course equips you with real-world ADR skills.
Learn about Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), the different types of arbitration, and the complete arbitration procedure, including the relevant Act, its amendments, and arbitration agreements.
Learn about Arbitration notice, appointment of arbitrators, power of court to refer to arbitration, etc.
Learn to draft all the relevant applications and documents before passing an award like Statement of Claim, Statement of Defense, Application for interim reliefs, etc.
Learn to draft all the relevant applications and documents after passing an award like Application for execution of Award, Application for setting aside an Award, Appeal, etc.
Learn about the procedures of international arbitration, enforcement of foreign awards, drafting of international agreements, etc.
Learn about mediation, types of mediations, stages of mediation, drafting of Settlement Agreement, skills of an effective mediator, etc. Also, indulge into a practical activity of mediating contracts
This course has been designed and delivered by Shrutanjay Bharadwaj, Abhayraj Naik, and Anupama Sharma
Mr. Amarjeet Singh Chandhiok is a former Additional Solicitor General of India, a living legend in the field of law, and currently a practicing Senior Advocate at the Supreme Court of India.
Vijay Purohit is the Partner at P&A Law Offices and has close to 15 years of experience in appearing before the Supreme Court of India, various High Courts, tribunals, arbitral tribunals and quasi-judicial authorities in India.
Faizan M. Mithaiwala is a qualified lawyer in India, enrolled as an Advocate with the Bar Council of India and the Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa since 2018. He completed his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from K.C. College and Wilson College, followed by an L.L.B. from Rizvi Law College, Mumbai.
Advocate Abhishek Gupta graduated from Campus Law Center, Delhi in 2016 and was an Associate at Luthra and Luthra from 2016-2018
Gourav Mohanty is an accomplished dispute resolution lawyer renowned for his extensive experience and expertise in handling complex arbitration cases across various sectors especially in enforcing arbitral awards before courts. Before being an independent practitioner, he worked as a Senior Associate in the Dispute Resolution Team of Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co (SAM).
Akanksha graduated from Symbiosis Law School, Pune. She is an independent litigator and a corporate counsel for various startups and PSUs. She works as the Head of LLS.
Adv. Jaibatruka Mohanta is a practicing Advocate before the Courts at Karnataka and other Courts across India. In addition to this, he is a Research Associate at the Centre for Environmental Law, Education, Research and Advocacy (CEERA), National Law School of India University (NLSIU) to delve into cutting-edge research, policy formulation, and capacity-building programmes for the government of India.
Aditya Aryan, a trained mediator from ‘ADR ODR International’ recognised by IMI, SIMI, and CMC UK graduated from ICFAI Dehradun and has had a stellar record in the area of Mediation, and Online Dispute Resolution (ODR).
This course, designed by experts, will help you master the Legal Research and Writing skills!
ADR: Arbitration & Mediation
of Completion and Merit
Our average course rating is around 92.4% and our learners love our courses and the care we have for everyone!
Jatin Chandra
Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya
July-Aug 2022
Anip Ghose
NEF Law College
July-Aug 2022
The overall experience has been good. The structure of the course is very well organized which helps in understanding the crux of the matter. The Recorded lectures provide an extra benefit when live classes couldn’t be attended. The reading materials are so very well written and in such simple language that it’s easy to understand the topic and also get better insight into the topic.
Shivangi Vashishta
Teri School of Advanced Studies
July-Aug 2022
Drop your phone number below, and let our career counselor guide you towards a successful career path.
We call during working hours i.e. 9 AM to 9 PM.
No. You’ll have 7-8 live lectures each lasting approximately 90 minutes.
The schedule of the live sessions is released when the course starts.
Most of our live sessions happen on weekends or on late evenings so that all learners (students or
working professionals) can attend them without skipping their regular classes or office.
We suggest that you spend approximately 3-5 hours/week doing the course.
When you spend these 3-5 hours is up to you. You may spend around 40 minutes each day or do it over the weekend.
Yes, this course is designed to help an absolute newbie to learn the fundamentals and nuances of legal research and writing.
Even senior academicians find the course of immense use.
If you are a professional looking to improve their research and writing skills, this course will help you too.
Yes, you can access the course for a total of 4 months [2 months to complete the course + 2 months to review the course].
Please note that the course is complete by the end of the 2nd month. We have strict deadlines for submission of the 4 mini-assignments which have to be followed.
However, if you want to revisit and revise the material in the course, you can do that for 2 months after the completion of the course.
We encourage you to attend the live classes after thorough preparations.
Just like the real charm of a live match/performance is watching it live, the real value of a live class is in attending it live! A lot of new, practical things are covered; and of course, your questions are addressed too.
However, if you miss the live class, you can watch the recorded version of the live class which is uploaded for the specific batch only.
Good research and writing skills are absolutely crucial (no questions asked) for any knowledge professional.
Every legal professional, whether a corporate lawyer or a litigator, a judge or an academician, requires good legal research and writing skills.
Through this course, you’ll learn these core skills.
Consider this: even your CV and cover letters are evaluated by recruiters as short writing samples. Is it written well, formatted well? Interestingly, our students have told us that after this course their internship applications which were rejected earlier were not getting accepted!
Good research, writing, and presentation skills are transferable to multiple domains.
The course will also help you do well in moots, publications, and conferences and seminars.
There is only one compulsory assignment: submission of a 1500-2500 word short research essay.
The assignment is divided into 3 mini-assignments. Submission of:
1. A research topic and questions
2. Submission of a rought draft with references and footnotes
3. Final research paper
Each mini-assignment is followed by feedback from the faculty. Each student is given feedback. We pride on being able to give personalised, 3-level feedback.
The intention of the course is to teach you legal research and writing skills.
Any type of legal drafting, civil or criminal or corporate, requires good research and writing skills.
The focus of this course is not on particular drafts, but on legal research and writing as the broader skill-set. Your drafting will surely improve after doing this course.
There are many free, open sources available online which can help you with your research. SSRN, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, IndianKanoon, Government websites, and many free and open law journals (both from India and abroad), are an excellent repository of knowledge, information, and insights.
We also provide a list of such sources.
It seems you have questions. Call our counsellor, Ishani, at +91 93596 84056